Tax Collector

Christina Swanson | Dana Flach
Assistant Tax Collector | Tax Collector
Credit Card fee - 2.5 % ($2 minimum)
E-Check Flat Fee - $2
Visa Debit Fee - $3.95
We Accept: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express
PAY-BY-PHONE now available (fees apply) - 1-833-440-3767
Water assessment payments cannot be paid online or with credit/debit card.
- The Tax Collector's office is responsible for maintaining all tax records and for collecting taxes due to the Town of Seymour by all means allowed by State Statute.
- Collection of taxes is based off a grand list of each October 1st as certified by the Assessor's office. Tax amounts are determined by a budget approved by a town meeting and/or referendum, with a corresponding mill rate set by the Board of Finance.
- Property taxes are levied on all taxable assessed property on the grand list of October 1 prior to the beginning of the fiscal year and covers through the following September 30.
- Real Estate and Personal Property (business) taxes higher than $100.00 are due and payable in two equal installments, on July 1 and January 1 following the levy date.
- Real Estate and Personal Property (business) taxes lower than $100.00 are due and payable in one installment on July 1 following the levy date.
- Motor vehicle taxes are due and payable in one installment on July 1 following the levy date.
- Supplemental Motor Vehicle tax bills cover from the date of registration after October 1 through September 30 and are due and payable in one installment on January 1 following the levy date.
- A 30-day grace period is provided for all taxes that are due.
- If you are paying your Motor Vehicle/Supplemental taxes late and you need a release/clearance for the DMV to register any vehicle in your name, payment must be made in Cash, Money Order or a Certified Bank Check. No personal or business checks will be accepted.
- Failure to receive a tax bill does not prevent delinquent fees!