13 Chatfield Street, Seymour, Ct. 06483
Short Walks in Seymour
Route 188 at Squantuck Rd.------ 100 acres ---Town owned
Little Laurel Lime Park ----- Tibbetts Rd.----136 acres--Town owned
Cemetery Rd.----both sides of road---350 acres --- Water Company owned
Fountain Lake and Great Hill Rd.--Town owned and leased--both sides of
Road-----125 + acres.
Legion Pool ----- Chatfield St. --a few acres but beautiful and great trout fishing
--Land Trust property.
Chucta Rd.----9 - acres with pond-- recent trail cut --- Land Trust property
Ross Dr.---20+ acres --- Land Trust property
Bungay Rd.--9+ acres --- across from Greenwood Cir. --Land Trust property
Bungay Rd.--9 acres --- lower Bungay --- Land Trust property
Healey Farm--3 acres with pond- Land Trust property