General Information
Phone Numbers
(203) 389-5991
Emergencies: Dial 911
135 Bradley Road

Monday - Saturday
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Animal Control

Animal Control's primary responsibility is the safety of all residents and animals within the Town of Seymour limits and enforcement of local and state ordinances regarding animals including:

  • acting as an interface with other agencies dealing with dogs, cats, birds, and other animals
  • working with authorities to obtain emergency veterinary assistance for injured dogs and cats
  • enforcing all Town ordinances pertaining to dogs running at large
  • patrolling problem areas in the Town
  • bite investigations
  • cruelty investigations
  • noise complaints
  • rabies control

Wild Animals: Any wild animal sightings or disturbances involving coyotes, fox, bear etc. should be referred to The Department of Environmental Protection at 1-860-424-3000.


Town ordinance for noise is 9:00 P.M. – 7:00 A.M.

All dogs are required to have current town licenses and valid rabies vaccinations. Proof of such is to be displayed on the dog's collar